AXOGRY | The Gigatonne Project, Bengaluru
July-August 2021
Bengaluru, Karnataka

Bengaluru chapter of Gigatonne Challenge in action.
Official site | Media

The Gigatonne Challenge is a decentralized strategy that focuses on equity and aims to change the trajectory of the climate crisis within 48-60 months. The organization provides support, training, and funding to community-based teams globally.

These teams focus on composting food waste, building zero emissions transport networks, food production, renewable energy, and afforestation. The organization measures and tracks greenhouse gas reductions for all its activities.

Two volunteers collecting used coconut shells from coconut vendors.

More volunteers collecting coconut shells in Jayanagara, Bengaluru

The shells, packed in reusable bags, are them loaded on a truck. The team has partnered with an electric vehicle company to provide transport for the shells and reduce carbon emission.

The whole process of collection and loading from multiple locations is physically very demanding, though a good weather definitely helps.

On the way to the farm. The trucks here are being weighed. About 4500kg of shells was collected.

Arrive at a farm about 18km from the city.

All the shells are unloaded here for the farmers to use them as a fertilizer.

Our truck drivers, helpers, the farm owner and the photographer.

All images by Anurag Bartarey

Copyright (c) Anurag Bartarey. All Rights Reserved.

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